Hair Color: Blonde
Eyes Color: Blue
Height: 176 cm / 5’-9”
Language: English, Russian & Spanish
The Black Guy and the Jew, HBO pilot series , Wife
Pain and Gain, movie 2013 – Tourist Girl
Burn Notice, Season 6, Episode 1, Girl at the Bar
Magic City, 2012 | Escort girl
Molly , Short film, 2012, Molly
Mercantile, Short Film, 2013, Anna
Hunted, Pilot, 2013, Lana
Instakill, Short, 2016, Andrea Rusk
Mothers and daughters, 2016, Andrea Moore
Visage, 2016, Aminah
Gran Vecco Reserve 2011 - Principal
Silver Dagger vodka – Principal
Nike for Lebron James, 2012 featured extra
Redd's Apple Ale, 2013 featured extra
Bowlmor lanes, Dancer
Glamour | Socialite Magazine | Hair Magazine |
Florida International Magazine | Seventeen |
MiamiShoot Magazine | Snitch | MODE lifestyle magazine| Cliche