Awakening The Power Of You
I've designed a 28 day course to help you do exactly that.
It will accelerate your inner awakening
Connect you to your true purpose
And help you transcend your fears, doubts and insecurities.
But first, there's something you must understand....
There are two types of unhappy:
People who don't have what they want and people who get what they want, only to discover that it does not truly fulfill them.
I've been extreme versions of both at different points of my life.
In my early 20s, I was homeless, jobless and broke, living on the streets of Moscow.
And THEN, I learned about the power of manifestation.
I started manifesting big time. My dream job as the head of PR for an elite marketing agency, my dream house in Miami that wasn't even on the market, a part in a big Hollywood movie, marriage to a NASA engineer and free travel across the globe.
But there was one thing I couldn't manifest: true inner peace and fulfillment.
So slowly I watched as all of my manifestations began to self-destruct. The movie got cancelled, I got a divorce, I lost my house and most of my possessions.
I started to realize that manifestation wasn't enough. Something was missing.
So I turned my focus completely INWARD and practiced meditation, yoga, and Kundalini. Not to mention taking countless workshops, seminars, and becoming a Life Coach myself.
After years of study, I had an inner awakening.
It was like I was meeting my true self for the first time.
I had been spending my whole life trying to accumulate stuff that would make me happy. I hadn't realized that my true source of happiness was there all along.
Since then, I have realized that there are also two types of happy:
People who are happy because they have what they want, and people who would be happy even if they didn't have what they want.
I want to teach you to be the second kind of happy: unconditionally happy. Unconditionally peaceful.
Not because you need things in order to be happy, but because it's fun to have what you want!
This course is about teaching you to have your REAL dream life.
That means not only having the results you want on the outside but also the inner peace, feeling of connectedness to life and others, self acceptance, forgiveness, presence and gratitude on the inside.
What if you could be abundant, yet not attached to material things?
What if you could be confident yet not conceited?
What if you could be loved yet not attached to other's perception of you?
What if you could have everything you want, yet know that you don't need those things to be happy?
Gain a deep understanding of how your thoughts affect your material reality
Understand how to produce better results in your life without the stress
Discover who you truly are beyond your body, your relationships, your financial situation and your possessions
Become the vibrational match to your dreams
Ensure that you are manifesting from a place of wholeness and health, not from a place of insecurity and fear
Over the 28 days, you will get
Weekly videos teaching you about the power of meditation, mantra and breath work
4 guided meditation and breath work exercises
Worksheets to help you increase your self awareness, get clarity on your vision and set goals
Access to an exclusive Facebook community
30 minute coaching call with me!
Course Overview
Week 1 : Raising Awareness
Reality check
Preparing for a change
Cleansing the space
Creating an altar
Week 2: Healing : wounds into wisdom
Revisiting wounds
Working on forgiveness
Letting go of what doesn't serve you
Learning self-love
Breath work
Week 3 : Awakening The Power Of You
Creating daily rituals
Daily affirmations
Rewriting your life story
Powerful spiritual practice
Meditation + Special Kria for empowerment
Week 4 : Manifesting Your Dream Life
Getting clear on goals
Creating an action plan
Powerful visualization techniques
Prosperity Meditation
Meditation to attract miracles
Who is this course for ?
This course is for You, if you really ready to take your life to the next level. This course is very powerful, no joke. Consistency and commitment is required in order for you to see and experience the shift and what some people call miracles.
Is this course about Yoga?
This course has nothing to do with yoga. This course is about allowing you to step into your Dream Life, about removing whatever is holding you back, about getting rid of your limiting beliefs, fears and insecurities. It’s about teaching you self-love and self worth. And most importantly it’s about healing. We all carry some sort of trauma or suppressed pain, that is actually the number one reason for our inability to have the life we really deserve. It is not our fault what happened to us, but it is our responsibility to fix it. This course suggests powerful techniques and tools from Kundalini yoga, which is a technology that helps to reprogram your mind, strengthen your nervous system and raise your awareness. Besides that you will find another powerful tools from NLP, coaching, and many more. This course is a combination of the most powerful tools that are used in mental facilities to help people with PTSD, with different sort of addictions etc.
How soon will i see the results?
Well, how bad do you want it? Do the required work and see the results. You can read testimonials below and see what other people have experienced, those who truly committed and finished the course. One man was finally able to successfully create his first product, because he was able to finally believe in himself. A woman from NYC quit her day to day job that she hated and finally started a business that she dreamt of. Someone was able to attract their dream partner. The sky is the limit when you open your heart and allow yourself to be, do and have it all. Remember, you have the power if you only awaken it.
I discovered Julia from a friend about a year ago and immediately became a fan. I enjoy learning and growing from all her powerful youtube videos. I’m grateful for completing her “Awakening the power of you” course recently as it altered my life in such a positive way. Through her practices and techniques I have raised my awareness, healed myself, and shed a few limiting beliefs.
Julia is so good at sharing powerful stories that we all can relate to and learn from. Now that I completed the course I see clearly the path perfect for me and have been making courageous moves each day that feels so good.
I’m lucky to have her as one of my favorite teachers.
Brian Bernie, Positive Living Advisor/ Coach , Los Angeles
Thank you so much Julia for your amazing course!
I have to say I am following you for a long time already. Actually about a year ago I found your YouTube channel. I never did any spiritual practices before but it was interesting for me to listen to you. And I have to say I think you were probably one the first people that opened this world for me because after your suggestions I started doing some practice and when you offered your online course I knew I had to take it.
I was really excited to start and to be honest I didn’t expect it to be so challenging. I honestly thought that I kind of know what is going to be like but the thing is I didn’t know how deep is going to go and that it’s going to touch me so much and that I’m going to react like this.
I have to say also that it was the right time for me, because I knew a lot, I practiced a lot before, I knew how to make myself happy but I didn’t know how to maintain it and I was lost basically I didn’t really know what I want in life.
So the first week was nice and exciting but after that it was really hard, emotionally, psychologically and even physically. When I started crying during the first meditation for healing wounds I was so shocked. I didn’t even except that. I had to change my schedule a little because I couldn’t go in the same speed, I had to take my time and I’m glad I did. I looked straight into my soul, my fears, doubts, insecurities, my old wounds that I thought I healed but I just forgot about them and didn’t understand how they were affecting my life. It was really not easy, but with your help, motivation and support I was able to go through that process.
Who I am now is a very different person after all the process.
I am more clear, connected to myself, I trust, l remember how is it to love myself, my family and friends, I started helping people around me and I feel so good about it, I am not scared anymore, i feel free and ready for my dream life, I have less limitations in my head, I stared to feel my body better, what it needs, I stared to see my future more clear and in general I’m just more active, positive and happier. I am no longer hiding in my fears and insecurities, trying to pretend that I’m fine, I’m actually honest with myself and people around me about how I feel and what’s going on. I’m not afraid to say that I’m sad or lost, because I know that is all fine and it’s a part of the process, I trust more now, I believe in God truly now and in Higher Consciousness.
I know how essential and important the daily practice is and I will keep it in my daily routine for sure.
I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to work with you and go through this transformation with you. It honestly changed my life, but because everything around me changed but because I changed, my state changed, I am a different person now... and it’s just amazing!!!
I’m so happy my soul brought me to meet you and you helped me to go through this process. I know for sure It was meant to be!
I am looking forward for my new future with love, light and gratefulness in my heart!
I would definitely recommend this course for people who wants to find out why they are really here and if they are ready for their dream life, if they are ready to face their fears, insecurities and old traumas and finally get rid of them! I have to say that it’s not going to be easy and quick fix, but it’s definitely worth it!!!
You are just amazing and inspiring! And I know why you came here, I can feel it! So much love and wisdom!
I love you Julia and I am deeply grateful for experiencing your loving presence in my life. I support and honor your path!
Anastasia Fedoruk, NYC. Professional Ballet Dancer
My experience with Julia has been really powerful and effective. Julia has a natural ability to see beyond specific situations, which helped me during a very difficult time to mobilize hidden pain into my full awareness, so it could get healed and transformed from a seed level creating a positive and harmonious experience in my life. She shares her learning experience and wisdom through a practical approach that inspires self-transformation and true fulfillment.
Carolina Ruffo, NYC, Fashion stylist